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Selected Recent (since 2015) Publications organised by subject matter – see CV for complete list 


Economics of happiness

Anaya, L. Howley, P. Waqas, M., and Yalonetzky, G. (2023) Locked down in distress: A quasi-experimental estimation of the mental health fallout from the covid-19 pandemic. Economic Inquiry,


Ocean, N. and Howley, P. (2023) Which motivations would make farmers happier, and which would they choose? Land Economics​, 99(3) 458-476.


Chaudhuri, K., and Howley, P. (2022) The impact of covid-19 vaccination for mental health. European Economic Review, 150, 104293.


Howley, P. and Waqas, M. (2022) Identity, immigration and subjective well-being. Oxford Economic Papers 


Howley, P. and Knight, S. (2021) Staying down with the Joneses: Differences in the psychological cost of unemployment across neighbourhoods, Work, Employment and Society:


Howley, P., Waqas, M., Moro, M., Delaney, L. and Heron, T. (2020) It's not all about the economy stupid! Immigration and self-reported well-being in England. Work, Employment and Society, 1-18.


​Ocean, N., Howley, P. and Ensor, J. (2019) Lettuce Be Happy: A longitudinal UK Study on the relationship between fruit and vegetable consumption and well-being. Social Science and Medicine, 335-345.


Howley, P. (2017) Less money or better health? Evaluating individuals’ willingness to make trade-offs using life satisfaction data. Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organisation, 135-53-65.


Howley, P., Dillon, E., Heanue, K. and Meredith, D. (2017) Worth the risk? The behavioural path to well-being. Journal of Agricultural Economics 68, 534-552.


Howley, P., O Neill, S. and Atkinson, R. (2015) Who needs good neighbours? Environment and Planning A, 47, 939-956.



Nudges/Behavioural change

Howley, P. and Ocean, N. (2022) Can nudging only get you so far? Testing for nudge combination effects, European Review of Agricultural Economics 


Howley, P. and Ocean, N. (2021) Doing more with less: Leveraging social norms and status concerns in encouraging conservation farm practices. Land Economics, 97, 372-387.


Ocean, N. and Howley, P. (2021) Using choice framing to improve the design of agricultural subsidy schemes. Land Economics, 933-950.


Farmer Behaviour

Howley, P. (2015) The happy farmer: the effect of nonpecuniary benefits on behaviour. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 97, 1072-1096.


​Howley, P., Buckley, C., Donoghue, C. and Ryan, M. (2015) Explaining the economic ‘irrationality’ of farmers’ land use behaviour: the role of productivist attitudes and non-pecuniary benefits. Ecological Economics, 109, 186-193.


Marr, E. and Howley, P. (2019) The accidental environmentalists: factors affecting farmer’s adoption of pro-environmental activities in England and Ontario. Journal of Rural Studies, 68, 1000-111.



Ensor, J., Mohan, T., Forrester, J., Khisa, U.K., Karim, T. and Howley, P. (2021) Opening space for equity and justice in resilience: a subjective approach to household resilience assessment. Global Environmental Change, 68.


Trujillo, J. and Howley, P. (2021) The effect of weather on crime in a ‘Torrid’ urban zone. Environment and Behavior, 53, 69-90.


O Donoghue, C., Buckley, C. Chyzheuskaya, A., Green, S., Hynes, S., Ryan, M. and Howley, P. (2021) The spatial impact of rural economic change on river water quality. Land Use Policy, 103, 1-13.


Taherzadeh, O. and Howley, P. (2017) No net loss of what, for whom? Stakeholder perspectives on Biodiversity Offsetting in England. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 1-24


Key working papers under review

​Howley, P. Waqas, M. and Ocean, N. (2021) Open minds, open borders: Individual differences in the relationship between immigration and psychological well-being. Available here


Chen, R., Kesidou, E. and Howley P. (2022) The impact of ETS on Productivity in developing economies: A micro-econometric evaluation with Chinese firm-level data. Available here


Zhang, Y., Howley, P. and Hetschko, C. (2022) Tiger hunting and life satisfaction: A matter of trust? Available here














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